Construction Mitigation Plan Requirements

The City of Carnation is committed to ensuring that the disruptions to the community and traffic associated with construction activity are minimized. Mitigating the disruptive impact of construction-related traffic on public streets is an important part of the development and construction process. This document provides guidelines for developing a Construction Mitigation Plan (CMP) that will be acceptable to the City. Considering and addressing the general requirements and impacts early will facilitate the process and lead to a successful construction period.


A Construction Mitigation Plan will be required when a development or construction project is expected to have an impact on:

  • the mobility or safety of pedestrians and vehicular traffic
  • the typical functioning of the neighborhood including interruptions and impacts to surrounding residents, businesses, and institutions from construction activity and worker/trades parking needs.


The objective of a CMP is to ensure that construction activity minimizes impacts to the surrounding neighborhood and public streets. As such, every effort is to be taken to:

  • Minimize delay on all roads.
  • Minimize interference or obstruction of pedestrian, bicycle, or vehicular traffic on all public streets and trails.
  • Accommodate pedestrians with routing and signage.
  • Address sediment/dust control, litter cleanup, and street sweeping of adjacent public streets.
  • Mitigate construction impacts such as noise, vibration, and dust.
  • Provide effective communication with affected stakeholders.