Design Standards & Guidelines


Design standards and guidelines are a critical tool to help guide private development in a way that can help realize the community’s goals and objectives. Ultimately, the design standards and guidelines are intended to:

  • Provide clear objectives for those embarking on the planning and design of projects in Carnation.
  • Increase awareness of design considerations among the citizens of Carnation.
  • To maintain and enhance property values within Carnation.

What Properties do the Standards & Guidelines Apply to?

The standards and guidelines apply to development in the following areas:

  • The “Downtown Core” which encompasses the Central Business District and Mixed-Use, Multi-Family Residential, and Public Use zoned properties.

  • The “Gateway Corridors” along the northern and southern ends Tolt Avenue/SR 203 which encompasses land areas within 200 feet of the Tolt Avenue right-of-way.

  • All other Mixed-Use and Multi-Family Residential zoned properties within the City.