Comprehensive Plan - Current
The Comprehensive Plan is intended to guide future decisions related to land use, downtown development, housing, parks and recreation, transportation, utilities, and capital facilities. The plan was developed in compliance with the Washington State Growth Management Act, which establishes planning goals to guide the development and adoption of Comprehensive Plans within the state. The goals include:
- Reduce urban sprawl.
- Encourage the availability of affordable housing.
- Encourage efficient multi-modal transportation systems.
- Protect the environment and enhance the state's high quality of life.
- Ensure that those public facilities and services necessary to support development shall be adequate to serve the development at the time the development is available for occupancy.
This plan will be continuously monitored and amended to provide guidance for the City's development throughout the 20-year planning period.
The 2015 Carnation Comprehensive Plan was adopted by Ordinance No. 860 on August 4, 2015, and was subsequently amended by Ordinance No. 892 on 10/17/2017, by Ordinance No. 906 on 10/17/2018, and by Ordinance No. 919 on 08/20/2019.