
Presidential declaration of disaster issued for January 2009 flood event in King County

Presidential declaration of disaster issued for flood event in King County

King County residents still recovering from damage caused by the January storm and flooding are a step closer to getting some federal help. President Barack Obama has declared a federal disaster for the January severe winter storm incident that impacted King County.

The Presidential declaration authorizes the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to begin working with State and local government to provide assistance to individuals and businesses that incurred damage or losses from flooding, landslides, and/or mudslides between the dates of January 6 – 16, 2009.

Citizens who were impacted have until February 7 to register with FEMA to initiate the federal disaster assistance process using one of two options:

Online: www.fema.gov

By Phone:
800-621-FEMA (3362)
TTY 800-462-7585

For citizens without access to telephone or Internet, FEMA has established a Disaster Recovery Center in King County, from which it will provide information and guidance regarding disaster recovery.
Some of the services that a Disaster Recovery Center may provide:

  • Guidance on disaster recovery
  • Clarification of any written correspondence received
  • Housing Assistance and Rental Resource information
  • Answers to questions, resolution to problems and referrals to agencies that may provide further assistance
  • Status of applications being processed by FEMA.
  • SBA program information if there is a SBA Representative at the Disaster Recovery Center site.

FEMA Disaster Recovery Center location and hours:

Auburn SuperMall
1101 SuperMall Way
Auburn, WA 98001
For directions: http://www.supermall.com/

9:00 am – 6:00 pm Sunday, February 1, 2009
9:00 am – 7:00 pm Monday – Saturday, February 2-7, 2009

Signs will be posted to guide you to the disaster recovery center location within the mall.

Information needed to register with FEMA
Whether applying online, in person, or over the phone, citizens should have a pen and paper ready and be prepare to provide the following information:

  • Your Social Security number.
  • Current and pre-disaster address.
  • A telephone number where you can be contacted.
  • Insurance information.
  • Total household annual income.
  • A description of your losses that were caused by the disaster.

Individuals or businesses seeking federal assistance must register directly with FEMA by February 7, 2009 to be eligible for federal disaster assistance. Once registered, FEMA will work with individuals to guide them through the recovery process.