Carnation-Duvall Citizen Corps "Map Your Neighborhood" orientation and drill in May
“Map Your Neighborhood” teaches Neighbors how to Help Neighbors
We have all watched the pictures coming from Japan following the historic earthquake in March. Lasting images show that a lot of responses were by neighbors helping neighbors. An event of this size does not allow first responders to be in all the places they were needed, so individuals needed to help each other in order to survive.
Does your neighborhood have a plan in place to help each other should we have a similar event? Do you have a plan so you know that your children, seniors and pets will be taken care of?
If not, the Carnation-Duvall Citizen Corps is offering the perfect opportunity to help you prepare through the Map Your Neighborhood program. This program was developed following an earthquake when survivors were asking themselves “what can we do to help?”
Map Your Neighborhood involves identifying the skills and equipment each neighbor has, along with mapping your neighborhood to show the locations of gas meters, propane tanks, and special needs homes that house seniors, people with disabilities and unattended children. The basics of this program along with “9 Steps to Take Immediately Following a Disaster” will be taught at an orientation class on Wednesday, May 4th at the Carnation Fire Station from 7-8 p.m.
In addition the Carnation-Duvall Citizen Corps will be sending teams of trained Community Emergency Response Teams, Medical Reserve Corps and SnoValley Amateur Radio club volunteers to your neighborhood to access how well you have prepared. and to answer questions. The volunteers will also offer training on FireWise safety to mitigate wildfire damage, tips on setting up a neighborhood Care Center and Gathering site, and instructions on the best ways to communicate following a disaster or emergency. This assessment will take place on Saturday, May 21st from 10-11:30 a.m.
Interested in how you can sign up to be part of this valuable training? Contact Kathy Brasch at 425-788-8260 or before May 3rd. Spaces are limited so don’t hesitate to sign up.
For more information on the Carnation-Duvall Citizen Corps or its programs visit or contact President Helen Duffy at 425-457-6322.