The City of Carnation will accept sealed bids for the construction of a community shelter until 12:00 Noon on Friday, September 9, 2011. Paper plans for the Community Shelter are available for review at Carnation City Hall, 4621 Tolt Avenue, Carnation, WA during normal business hours. Copies of the plans are NOT allowed to be taken from City Hall for outside review. Scanned images of the plans (not to scale) and specifications are below. Bids shall be plainly marked “Community Shelter Bid” on the outside of the envelope.
There will be a MANDATORY project information meeting in the City Hall Council Chambers on Tuesday September 6th, 2011 at 4:00 pm. All potential bidders MUST attend. Bids will not be accepted from any bidders who do not attend this meeting.
The proposed Community Shelter is being financed by the USDA, City of Carnation, and King County. The successful bidder will be responsible for complying with all federal regulations per USDA requirements.
Questions concerning bids for the Carnation Community Shelter should be directed to the Carnation City Manager, PO Box, 1238, Carnation, WA 98014; 425-333-4192; or