Hockert Park reopened with donations from local businesses
Carnation’s Yellow Park has reopened thank to generous donations from three local businesses.
The City is pleased to announce the reopening of Hockert Park (Yellow Park) thanks to the organizing efforts of Bob Cox from Ace Hardware. Three of our local businesses - Ace Hardware, Ixtapa and Lazy K's - made donations to open the park. The Council had closed the park due to budget cuts. The Council made a number of budget cuts for 2009 including limiting park maintenance which led to the need to close the park during the off season.
The cost to reopen the park was approximately $1,100. Ace Hardware contributed $600 and Ixtapa and Lazy K's each contributed $250 to cover the cost of reopening the park.
The City Council is very grateful to the owners and employees of Ace Hardware, Ixtapa and Lazy K's for their commitment to the community. The City recognizes that the current economy is very difficult so it is remarkable that in such tough economic times these businesses came forward to support the community and reopen Hockert Park.
Hockert Park will reopen immediately and the sanican will be replaced as soon as possible. Memorial Park will remain closed until April 1.