tolt levee setback project area - 2009 Summer.JPG

Lower Tolt River floodplain restoration project

King County and the City of Seattle are collaborating on a voluntary effort to enhance salmon habitat in the lower Tolt River. The project is scheduled for construction in two phases. Phase I was completed in 2008. Phase II began June 2009.

The main project area is along the Tolt River before it joins the Snoqualmie River, in and around Tolt-MacDonald Park in Carnation. The project will set back the existing levee within the park to help return the river corridor to its natural flood-plain character and improve fish habitat.

Project goals:

  • Restore natural function of lower Tolt River to enhance fish habit;
  • Maintain or improve flood protection in the surrounding community;
  • Enhance recreational access and opportunities.

For more information please contact:

Clint Loper, King County, Water and Land Resources Division

Brent Lackey, Seattle Public Utilities