Assistance available to residents and businesses with storm-related damages
Two week window for reporting losses
Property and business owners who had losses due to the recent winter weather may be eligible for assistance getting their property back in order. Eligibility is determined through a damage assessment process which takes into account total reported losses within King County.
Impacts of winter weather, such as snow load and flooding, may have resulted in individual property damages or business losses. King County homeowners and small business owners who have suffered damages from recent weather related conditions should file a damage report with King County Office of Emergency Management within the next two weeks.
A hotline number (800-523-5044) has been established for reporting damages within King County and is open during the following dates and times:
Dec. 29 - 31, 2008 | Jan. 5 - 9, 2008 |
Before filing a damage report with OEM, citizens should contact their insurance company about existing coverage. They are also urged to document damages with photographs and keep records of all clean-up and repair costs.
In addition, business owners who have incurred weather-related economic losses should submit an Economic Injury Disaster Loan Program form to the Office of Emergency Management (fax# 206-205-4056). The form can be downalod from the Washington Emergency Management Division's website. For more information, contact the Office of Emergency Management at