Tolt Commons Community Picnic Shelter Conceptual Illustration.JPG
Picnic Shelter Conceptual Illustration

Tolt Commons Community Picnic Shelter FAQ


  1. What is the Community Shelter and why is it being built now?
    For a number of years, the City has been looking to create a “Tolt Commons” area along Bird Street. This would be the first step in implementing that concept. The city was able to get a grant from the US Department of Agriculture and additional assistance from King County to help fund the project. The grant was obtained because the City and the Snoqualmie Valley Tilth worked together to enable the Farmer’s Market to extend their operation, thus providing additional employment to area farmers and growers. The grant monies must be obligated this year, or the grant will be lost.
  2. Who gets to use the Shelter?
    The Community Shelter is for the citizens of Carnation to utilize for picnics, reunions, parties, etc. The Farmer’s Market will have use of the facility on Tuesday afternoons during the Market season for their activities.
  3. Is there a commercial kitchen in the facility or will there be one in the future?
  4. How much will it cost and where is the money coming from?
    If the City were to bid out the construction and pay full price for all materials and labor, the cost is estimated at $122,300. However, due to the in-kind donations from Tilth members, discounts from various suppliers, and city work force contributions, the estimated cost is $69,100, a savings of $53,200. Those monies will come from the USDA Grant ($37,700), King County ($10,000), and the City Budget ($24,000).
  5. What is the little room in the middle of the Shelter?
    That room is for future use for Farmer’s Market storage, an electrical panel, sink, hot water tank and a bathroom. There is not enough money in the budget to install those facilities right now. However, when monies do become available, those items will then be completed. The bathroom would be available to citizens under a reservation and rental basis for scheduled picnics, reunions, etc. It would not be open to the general public for everyday usage.
  6. Who and or what is the “Tilth”?
    The Snoqualmie Valley Tilth is an organization of area farmers, which works to support organic and sustainable food production practices throughout the valley. The Tilth also works to connect the growers of products with the consumer of those products and is the sponsor of the Carnation Farmers Market.
  7. Who came up with the design for the Shelter?
    Local volunteers, working with the City Council Community Development Committee, developed the design. Various designs were initially considered, and this current one was selected as representing our small town feel. More elaborate designs were just too expensive. A big consideration in favor of the proposed design was the Shelter needed to be completed with the monies available.