Tolt Avenue Action Plan
Executive Summary
The Tolt Avenue Action Plan will guide the city in the future redevelopment of the public right-of-way along Tolt Avenue and can be used to execute the City’s 2030 vision. The plan includes a mile and a half of street improvements along Tolt Avenue that extend from Tolt Hill Road to NE 60th Street as well as off-street wayfinding improvements to support community and project goals. The Action Plan includes:
- The final concept plan for the Tolt Avenue corridor, including a summary of the process used to develop the plan,
- Recommended sequencing to achieve the city’s vision, and
- Anticipated project costs and funding strategies.
The plan was developed during a year-long process designed to engage community members and project stakeholders. The process included gathering existing data, establishing a vision, exploring concepts, and defining a preferred alternative. During this process the community, working with project stakeholders, established a set of guiding principles to create a corridor that is Safe, Welcoming, Authentic, Placemaking, Cohesive, and Maintainable. From this process a final concept was developed that:
- Protects and improves non-motorized movement through the corridor,
- Improves wayfinding and access to downtown, and
- Creates a downtown that is a community destination.
Sequencing and Implementation
The Action Plan prioritizes proposed improvements into a series of manageable projects that:
- Allow the city to incrementally construct the long term vision and limits interruption to existing operations.
- Capitalize on project goals and aspirations.
- Maintain a long-term vision for the corridor.
- Take into consideration operational and economic limitations that may facilitate, or limit, plan execution (e.g. streetscape improvements are identified as a combination of full street reconstruction and retrofit projects).
- Can be implemented over a full section of the corridor to provide an immediate impact for Tolt Avenue users and to strengthen applications for funding.
- Integrate utility infrastructure into the street improvements (e.g. power undergrounding and storm drainage).
Several strategies are proposed to achieve these goals. The most transformative is the proposed Tolt Avenue Greenway, a shared-use path that runs along the east side of Tolt Avenue from open space, parks and schools at the north and south entryways straight into the heart of downtown. The Greenway will provide a safe, low-speed path that allows people to explore Carnation, and clearly signals that Tolt Avenue— and by extension the town—is safe for everyone. In downtown, full streetscape improvements will maintain on-street parking and provide wider sidewalks, more pedestrian interest and small gathering spaces that make downtown feel like a place where people belong. Additional wayfinding projects support streetscape improvements and help visitors discover where they are, where they’d like to go, and how to get there. The Action Plan identifies and categorizes projects according to how they relate to downtown Carnation, including transitions into Carnation, and how each project achieves overall project goals. Organized from south to north, the projects include:
- Starter Projects: Small projects to show early advancement toward project goals.
- Tolt Hill Road Intersection: Traffic signal at Tolt Hill Road and Tolt Avenue.
- Tolt River Bridge: Paint, sign, and light bridge to create a southern gateway.
- South Greenway: Shared-use path along east side of Tolt Avenue between the bridge and Entwistle Street.
- South Entry: Street improvements across from the Greenway between Tolt Middle School and Eugene Street.
- Central Business District (CBD): Full street improvements between Eugene Street and Rutherford Street.
- Bird Street: Create shared civic space on Bird Street between the alley west of Tolt Avenue and Stossel Avenue.
- North Greenway: Shared-use path along east side of Tolt Avenue between Rutherford Street and 55th Street.
- North Entry: Central median gateway and west side street improvements across from the Greenway between Rutherford Street and 55th Street.
- Walkway 55th to 60th: Provide a pedestrian walkway on the east side of Tolt Avenue between 55th Street and 60th Street.
- Wayfinding Design: Create design standards for future wayfinding. • Wayfinding Loop Paths: Sign local paths for recreation and exploration.
- Wayfinding En-Route Markers: Small-scale wayfinding in the downtown core.
- Larson Avenue and Alley Circulation: Not included in the Tolt Avenue Action Plan but important to achieve long-term project goals.
In general the highest priority for project implementation is to improve non-motorized access and wayfinding to and from downtown and to improve the downtown streetscape. Proposed projects are grouped in four separate tiers: Starter projects, First Tier projects, Second Tier projects, and Opportunistic projects.
- Starter projects are small-scale projects that still achieve advancements towards overall project goals.
Some of these projects can be constructed as a part of First or Second Tier projects, but in general have an opportunity to provide immediate benefits with limited financial investment. - First Tier projects are larger scale projects phased to realize major project goals and set the foundation
for future improvements and development along Tolt Avenue. These projects establish the Tolt Avenue
Greenway, create a destination in downtown Carnation, and address wayfinding along Tolt Avenue. - Second Tier projects are lower priority and support First Tier projects. In some cases the existing
infrastructure along Tolt Avenue can provide adequate functional needs until Second Tier projects are
constructed. Financial investment in these projects is recommended after First Tier projects have been completed. - Opportunistic projects are stand alone projects that are more successfully pursued through joint
partnership with another agency or stakeholder. These partnerships will help to stretch City resources and funding. These projects should not be completed at the financial expense of First Tier projects.
A graphic representation and summary of the Action Plan is shown on the following pages. This summary documents the rationale, location, description, project tier, project type (e.g. retrofit, full construction, etc.), anticipated cost, and guiding principles that are achieved with each project. Additional project-specific information is included in the Implementation Projects section of the Action Plan and includes: project objectives, anticipated stakeholder coordination, design considerations and funding opportunities.
This Action Plan provides a strong, resilient, communityled vision for the future of Carnation. It includes direction and sequencing for the long term and a blueprint for community transformation that works with the City’s Economic Development Strategic Action Plan to make a safer, vibrant and welcoming Carnation for all.