Transportation Improvement Plans

State law (RCW 36.81.121 & 35.77.010) requires that each City prepare and adopt a transportation program for the ensuing six calendar years. A copy of the adopted program must be filed with Secretary of Transportation on an annual basis.  Completion of this annual update makes the City eligible to apply for State and Federal grants for transportation project funding.

Capital improvement projects and street repair programs are considered, updated, and prioritized for the Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) on an annual basis by the City Council with staff recommendations. From this review, the Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) is developed. The STIP represents a prioritized short-range planning document that identifies the revenues (secured or expected) and estimated expenditures needed to ensure the City can accomplish the projects or programs listed for the next six years. Funding for some of these projects is secured, while funding for other projects is not.  Detailed evaluation of future conditions should assume completion only of financially committed projects.