Emergency Information & Disaster Preparedness


Tolt Dam & Reservoir

***UPDATE*** Seattle Public Utilities has completed the first phase of construction for the new state-of-the-art Tolt Dam Early Warning System (four new outdoor and five new indoor sirens). Full audible testing of the new sirens will occur July 11th, 12th, 14th and15th between 9 am and 5 pm. During this period, residents in the Carnation area may hear loud sirens and see flashing alerts multiple times throughout the day. Audio messages in English and Spanish stating that the sirens are a test will be played before and after each round of testing, so residents are aware system testing is taking place and there is no emergency.

Note: The new sirens will not be tested on Wednesday, July 13. The regular Wednesday at Noon test of the existing warning system will take place as normal on this day.

The nine new sirens in Carnation that will be tested are located at:
1. 35805 NE 80th St (outdoor siren)
2. 6921 Tolt River Rd NE (outdoor siren)
3. 5502 Tolt River Rd NE (outdoor siren)
4. 32421 E Entwistle St (outdoor siren)
5. 334th Ave NE and Tolt River Road NE (outdoor siren)
6. 4950 Tolt Ave –Elementary School (indoor annunciator)
7. 3740 Tolt Avenue –Middle School (indoor annunciator)
8. 3944 320th Ave NE – Bus Facility (indoor annunciator)
9. 3600 Tolt Ave – Fire Station (indoor annunciator)


The City of Seattle owns and operates the Tolt Reservoir and Dams, located 16 miles upstream from Carnation on the South Fork Tolt River. The reservoir stores 30% of the drinking water for the metropolitan Seattle area. In the unlikely event of a dam failure, water from the reservoir may inundate the city of Carnation.

The Tolt Dam Early Warning System alerts residents in the city of Carnation to evacuate in the unlikely event of a dam failure. Siren testing for the warning system is conducted at noon every Wednesday. The tests involve activating the sirens and playing pre-recorded messages.

Seattle Public Utilities is working to replace the aging system with state-of-the-art technology and equipment that will improve the resiliency, reliability, and security of the emergency warning system.

Dam Breach Evacuation

In the event of a catastrophic failure of the Tolt Dam, the City has a 20-acre pedestrian evacuation site in Tolt Highlands.  An evacuation trail starts at the east end of NE 50th St, and the other begins on E Entwistle St going up Tolt Highlands Rd(see map). The routes to these trail are marked by pedestrian evacuation signs.  The evacuation site is for pedestrian access only, no vehicles. For vehicular evacuation, follow the route signs north on SR 203 to Stillwater Hill Rd.

Sign-up to receive important information from King County Emergency Management about potential hazards that impact the Carnation area, including status updates on the Tolt Dam.

Carnation ...ready, set, PREPARE

In order to help our community become better prepared, the City launched Carnation…ready, set, PREPARE to provide important emergency preparedness information to help all citizens be better prepared in case of a disaster.

Personal and Family Preparedness

Emergencies can happen anywhere, any time. Make sure you're ready at home, in your car, at work, and at school with a plan to respond and recover from disasters.

Business Preparedness

Businesses play a critical role in emergency preparedness. Not only do they need a plan for continuing or restarting operations following a disaster, they want to ensure the safety and well-being of their employees. 

Emergency Preparedness Guide

Disasters Happen: Are You Ready?  This extensive guide from Washington State Emergency Management can help you learn about different hazards and actions you can take to stay safe.

What to do to make it through

It's not a matter of if, but when. At some point, you will face a significant emergency or disaster situation. Will you be ready to make it through and eventually return to some sense of normal? Get ready now. Make a Plan. Build a Kit. Get Involved.

Hooking Up a Generator Safely

Hooking up a gas generator incorrectly can lead to dangerous carbon monoxide poisoning. Emergency management expert Eric Holdeman shows the do's and don'ts. (via KingCountyTV)

Carnation-Duvall Citizen Corps Council

Join the Carnation-Duvall Citizen Corps Council to make our community safer, stronger and better prepared.  On the theme, "Prepare for the worst and hope for the best", they offer some examples of the worst, and then give you some effective ways to cope with disaster. Review the programs they offer, then look at the links to preparedness kits and plans. If you don't find what you are looking for, email info@cdccc.us.

Sound Shake: Business Earthquake Preparedness

Prepare your business or organization for the potential impacts of an earthquake or other disaster.  This workplace exercise will help your organization take reasonable and responsible steps to provide a foundation for your response to a disaster.